Saturday, October 12, 2013


Good Scholastic Standing
A student is in good scholastic standing if at the end of the semester s/he obtains a final grade of “3” or higher in at least 75% of the total number of academic units in which s/he is registered. However, colleges/units may impose additional rules on good scholastic standing such as a minimum grade average or required number of units passed per semester/year.

Scholastic Delinquency
The faculty of each college or school shall approve suitable and effective provisions governing undergraduate delinquent students, subject to the following minimum standards:

1. Warning - Students who obtain final grades at the end of the semester below “3” in 25% - 49% of the total number of academic units in which they are registered shall be warned by the Dean to improve their work;

2. Probation - Students who, at the end of the semester, obtain final grades below “3” in 50% - 75% of the total number of academic units in which they have final grades shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester and their load shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the Dean.
Probation may be removed by passing with grades of “3” or better in more than 50% of the units in which they have final grades in the succeeding semester.

3. Dismissal - Students who, at the end of the semester, obtain final grades below “3” in at least 76% of the total number of academic units in which they receive final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of the college or school.
Students on probation, in accordance with 2) above, who again fail in 50% or more of the total number of units in which they receive final grades shall be dropped from the rolls of their college or school subject to the following:

a. Students dropped from one (1) college shall not ordinarily be admitted to another unit of the
University unless, in the opinion of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, their natural aptitude and interest may qualify them in another field of study in which case they may be allowed to enroll in the proper college or department.
b. Students who were dropped in accordance with the rules on “Dismissal” and again fail so that it becomes necessary again to drop them, shall not be eligible for readmission to any college of the

4) Permanent Disqualification - Students who, at the end of the semester, obtain final grades below “3” in 100% of the academic units in which they are given final grades shall be permanently barred from readmission to any college of the University.
Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases where, on the recommendation of the faculty members concerned, the faculty certifies that the grades of “5” were due to the student’s unauthorized dropping of the subjects and not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal takes place after the mid-semester and the student’s class standing is poor, his/her grades of “5” shall be counted against him/her for the purpose of this scholarship rule. The Dean shall deal with these cases on their individual merits in the light of the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; Provided, That in no case of readmission to the same or another college shall the action be lighter than probation. For purposes of scholastic standing, a grade of “Inc” is not included in the computation. When it is replaced by a final grade, the latter is to be included in the grades during the semester when the removal is made. The grade of “4” is counted until it is removed. Once removed, only the final grade of “3” or “5” is counted.

Required courses in which a student has failed shall take precedence over other courses in his/her succeeding enrollment  In colleges or schools in which the weights of the courses are not expressed in terms of units, the computation shall be based on their respective equivalents. No re-admisssion of dismissed or disqualified students shall be considered by the deans and directors without the favorable recommendation of the University Guidance Counselor. Cases in which the action of the deans or directors conflicts with the recommendation of the University Guidance Counselor may be elevated to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, whose decision shall be final.

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