Saturday, October 12, 2013

Transfer Admission – Graduate Level

Transfer admission requirements at the master’s and doctoral levels are the same as their admission requirements. [Refer to General Rules for Graduate Programs in this Section]
Subject to the recommendation of the appropriate bodies and the approval of the Dean/Director, graduate courses taken by students in another university may be credited towards his/her graduate program provided that 1) these courses were taken within the last five (5) years prior to admission; 2) these were validated through appropriate means by the college/unit committee or graduate office/committee concerned; and 3) the total units credited from his/her previous school shall not exceed three-eighths (3/8) of the total number of units required in the student’s degree program in UP.
However, condition no. 2) above shall not apply if the courses were taken in an institution with which the University of the Philippines has a special academic arrangement and if these courses are part of the student’s approved program of study.

Subject to the recommendation of the appropriate bodies and the approval of the Dean/Director, graduate courses taken by students in another program of the University of the Philippines may be transferred for credit to his/her new program provided that: 1) these courses were taken within the last five (5) years prior to admission or transfer to the program; 2) these units have not been credited to a degree previously obtained by the student; and 3) these courses are relevant to his/her new program.

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