Saturday, October 12, 2013


Students of the University may fall under any of the following categories:

Regular undergraduate students follow organized programs of study and comply with requirements that lead to the bachelor’s degree or undergraduate diploma/certificate. They carry the full semester’s load prescribed by their respective curricula and are classified into freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

A freshman is a student who has not finished the prescribed subjects of the first year of his/her curriculum, or 25 percent (25%) of the total number of units required in the entire course;
A sophomore is a student who has satisfactorily completed the prescribed subjects of the first year of his/her curriculum, or has finished not less than 25 percent (25%) nor more than 50 percent (50%) of the total number of units required in the entire course;
A junior is a student who has completed the prescribed subjects of the first two (2) years of his/her curriculum, or has finished not less than 50 percent (50%) nor more than 75 percent (75%) of the total number of units required in the entire course;
A senior is a student who has completed the prescribed subjects of the first, second, and third years of his/her curriculum, or has finished not less than 75 percent (75%) of the total number of units required in the entire course.

Regular graduate students follow organized programs of study and comply with requirements that lead to a master’s or doctoral degree. They may be either part-time or full-time.

Irregular students are students registered for formal credit but who carry less than the full load called for in a given semester by the curriculum for which they are registered.


Non-degree Students With Credit
Non-degree students are those who are enrolled for credit but do not follow an organized program of study. They are either degree holders or undergraduate students not currently enrolled in any other institution of higher learning who satisfy appropriate requirements for admission to the University at the graduate and/or undergraduate levels. They shall not be allowed to enrol for more than one (1) semester, except by special permission of the Dean of the college concerned and the University Registrar.
Since they do not follow any organized program of study, non-degree students are not prospective candidates for graduation for any degree in the University.

Non-majors With Credit
Non-majors are students dismissed from their respective colleges, but not from the University, for failure to meet the retention requirements including grade point average or number of units passed. Their supervision shall remain with their respective colleges, during which time they shall be advised by the college secretaries, until they have transferred to another college. They shall also be assessed/counseled by the Office of Guidance and Counseling.
However, students can be non-majors only for one (1) year, during which time, they are expected to seek admission to another college. Units earned as non-major can be credited towards the new degree program to which the student will be readmitted.

Cross-registrants With Credit
Cross-registrants are students who enrol in a unit in UP Diliman for a specific period of time but are primarily enrolled in their home units in UP Diliman or in another UP Constituent University or in another institution of higher learning. Such enrolment is subject to the approval of the Deans of the home and the accepting units/colleges.

Special Students Without Credit
A special student is one who is not earning formal academic credit for his/her work.

Mature students, even if they do not fully satisfy the entrance requirements, may be admitted as special students and may enroll in such subjects for which, in the opinion of the instructor and the Dean, they have the necessary background knowledge and ability to pursue profitably. They shall not be allowed to enroll for more than 9 units a semester or to register for more than two (2) years, except by special permission of the Dean. They are not earning formal academic credit. However, subjects taken even though without credit may be reported at the end of each semester as “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”. Special students pay the same fees as regular students. They may register at any time without the payment of fine for late registration, subject to other regulations of the University. They may register for particular subjects within a semester when permissible under the system of instruction adopted by the college.

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